
ExpositIO: The Arrival

I made these images for an exposition called "ExpositIO" hosted by my study association, which opened yesterday. If you are interested and happen to be in the area, you can still visit the expo till may 7 (location: Vrijhof building, UTwente, Enschede, the Netherlands). There's some pretty cool and diverse artsy stuff from about 20 industrial design students.
As for the images themselves, the idea behind them was to see an explorer arriving in a tribal society from the point of view of the tribesmen. I started out with making photos of ink droplets in water to get something to start with, which gave some pretty cool results (like the one below). One of the inspirations was these documentaries, definitely a must see.


Hi y'all, time to put something up again. This is a piece of concept art that I recently did for an upcoming movie called Animals by the awesome Ryan Braund. The movie is about 5 teens with animal masks who are hiding in the pine woods of alaska, where they kill people that come too close to their hideout to stay hidden. When a 14 year old girl comes by, one of the boys decides to run away with the girl.

My task was to visualize the environment and the kids in one image to get people excited. Ryan originally wanted to have all kids standing next to eachother (like thumbnail #2 below), but I thought it would be interesting to have a more dynamic composition, so I showed him the thumbnails below. Luckily he liked it, so I finished thumb #3. I had a lot of fun working on this, so big up to Ryan for giving the opportunity.